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Ever wondered what it feels like to write the IOE exam, real time?

Ever wondered what it feels like to write the IOE exam, real time?

Imagine a class full of students, each placed with a computer inside the ICT building of Pulchowk Campus. An invigilator will announce the rules of the exams and will provide  all the necessary information to students including  the passcode and scratch paper for the exam. The exam will begin as soon as you enter the passcode and will be automatically submitted within two hours. The environment will be strict for obvious reasons, so making yourself comfortable in the given chair and computer is a must. Keep a clear head & your optimism levels high throughout.
However, the focus shouldn’t be on  the environment but the test. You should be able to devote your entire concentration  on the exam and take extra care of the time you spend on each question. You can get questions of any subject in the beginning but you can always scroll down and start with the subject you want. You can switch & swing between questions if you’re not too certain about the answers.  Use a calculator to solve complex math questions to save time. Generally, passages take a lot of your time so attempting the passage question last might be a smart choice. Although you can submit early, it's usually a good idea to spend any extra time reviewing your work. This requires the same quality of thought originally used to solve the problem. Is your answer what you thought it would be in your original estimate? Is it a quantity that makes sense? Is your answer in the correct units? If your answer does not seem reasonable, rework the problem.